4 Ways To Brush Your Teeth Better

1. Don’t just brush the tooth, brush around the tooth

Ever wonder why your gums always happen to bleed when you are the dentist? Oftentimes it is because we are not brushing the right parts of our teeth. The best way to clean the plaque off your teeth is to brush along the gum line. This is where plaque accumulates and where gum redness and inflammation often occurs.

2. Angle at 45 degrees

When you hold your brush, brush at an upward 45 degree angle. Most toothbrushes have angled bristles so when you hold your toothbrush at 45 degrees, you are giving your teeth the most effective clean. This step also means you won’t be brushing your teeth too hard and will naturally be more gentle

3. Use a Circular Motion

Brush in a circular motion – this cleans around the tooth’s surfaces and difficult and odd-shaped anatomy. Brushing in a circular motion means we are lifting the bacteria and food build up off our teeth as well as removing it under the gum line. We know we are brushing our teeth better when we break up all the plaque build up and this helps tremendously!

4. Choose the Right Bristles

You want them to be soft because you want those bristles to be able to get in those areas under crevices, under the gum and bend. If you use too hard of bristles, they can wear down your enamel overtime.

Post time: Nov-16-2021